Ngọc Tâm Nguyễn , Thị Hoài Thu Nguyễn , Minh Thư Ngô, Thị Thanh Huyền Vũ

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This study aimed to access healthcare staff's awareness of factors related to oral antidiabetes medications including: effectiveness in controlling HbA1c (A), effectiveness in weight management (B), side effects causing complications of hypoglycemia (C), treatment duration and costs (D), cardio- and renoprotective effects (E). The descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted nationwide from March to May 2024 with more than 20,000 online surveys sent to healthcare staffs. The survey included questions related to the specialty and working place, 5 questions related to ABCDE parameters with levels from 1 to 5. The results showed that out of total 603 responses, Gliclazide MR and Metformin were 02 drug groups with the highest effective rates on HbA1c with the rate of  60.3% and 43.5%, respectively. The GLP-1 drug group had the highest rate with 35.0% effect on weight management, out of a total of 360 responses. The lowest level of hypoglycemia was in the SGLT-2 Inhibitor (34.0%) and Metformin (32.4%) group, out of a total of 529 votes. The rate of metformin use and compliance with reasonable costs accounted for 55.35%, Gliclazide MR group accounted for 49.02% out of a total of 663 votes. The proportion of medical staff responding to the reno-protection effect was high in the SLGT-2 inhibitor group (46.4%) and cardio-protection with 51.1% out of a total of 919 votes. The survey provided initial data on medical staff's awareness of the ABCDE indicators in the type 2 diabetes management with oral antidiabetic medication nationwide. The choice of monotherapy or drug combination to treat diabetes needs to be individualized based on the effects and specific profile of the patients.

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