Main Article Content
Objective: Covid-19 is showing a decreasing trend in severity. To build a database for future management and care of Covid-19 patients, we conducted a retrospective study on 385 patients, classifying moderate Covid-19 cases upon discharge and severe cases upon transfer to higher levels, treated at Gia Lam General Hospital in 2021 (3rd and 4th outbreaks). Results: Patients were of all ages and both sexes, concentrated in the 16 - 30 year old group (accounting for 51.4%), with many different professions and including people who had been vaccinated against Covid-19. The proportion of patients with underlying diseases was 10.1%. Common symptoms of Covid-19 included cough (95.1%), fever (77.4%) and sore throat (63.1%). People at risk of severe progression include those with underlying diseases, fever > 380C, AST > 40, and CRP > 10 g/L. Conclusion: The manifestations of moderate Covid-19 are atypical, medical facilities need diagnostic solutions based on screening tests and assessment of risk indicators for severe disease progression.
Article Details
Covid-19 disease, SARS-CoV-2, clinical Covid-19.
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