Văn Công Ngô, Quốc Ái Đặng

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Objective: To evaluate the results of laparoscopic surgery for right colon adenocarcinoma at E hospital in the period 2019-2023. Patient and Methods: A retrospective descriptive study follow-up on 45 patients diagnosed with non-metastatic right colon adenocarcinoma who underwent laparoscopic right colectomy with lymph node dissection. January 2019 to December 2023. Results: During the period from January 2019 to December 2023, we collected on 45 patients who were eligible for the study. The mean age of the study group was 65,42 ± 13,73 years old. Of these, 64,4% are male and 35,6% are female. Tumor locations included 27 (60%) ascending colon, 11 (24,4%) hepatic flexure colon,5 (11,1%) transverse colon and 2 (4,4%) cecum. The average surgery time was 157,89 ± 27,64 minutes, the rate of intraoperative complications was 0.The average number of lymph nodes removed was 16,62± 7,54 lymph nodes and 16 patients had lymph node metastasis. The rate of postoperative complications was 15,6%, including, intestinal obstruction, pneumonia and surgical site infection. There were 88,9% of patients discharged from the hospital with good results. The estimated overall survival after surgery at 48 months was 90%. Conclusion: Laparoscopic right colectomy for colon cancer has shown that in addition to the advantages about early results, it has met the oncological requirements.

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