Thị Thanh Thụy Nguyễn, Văn Lâm Nguyễn

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Adenovirus pneumonia causes severe symptoms and can have long-term consequences on the respiratory system. Objectives: Describe the epidemiological, clinical characteristics and risk factors for mortality of severe Adeno virus pneumonia in children at center for tropical diseases of national children’s hospital in 2022. Methods: cross –sectional descriptive  study, all patients medical record with confirmed diagnosis of severe Adenovirus pneumonia at center for tropical diseases of national children’s hospital from 01/01/2022 to 31/12/2022. Results: The average age of pediatric patients is 20.10 ± 15.54 months, the males is more than females (account for 64.4%). Most of the cases are admitted to hospital from August to December. Common clinical symptom: fever (99.1%), average number of fever days 9.01 ± 5.06; cough 98.6%, upper respiratory tract inflammation 89.4%, Shortness of breath 100%, ral 100%, respiratory failure grade II 86.1%, grade III 13.9%, oxygen 87%, mechanical ventilation 39.4%. Duration of illness >7 days, respiratory failure grade III, mechanical ventilation and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome are risk factor for mortality of severe Adeno virus pneumonia. Conclusion: Severe adenoviral pneumonia has diverse clinical manifestations, relatively similar to other viral agents but with more severe and prolonged course. Risk factor for mortality of severe Adenovirus pneumonia are: Duration of illness > 7 days, respiratory failure grade III, mechanical ventilation and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome.

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