Thị Thúy Hà Đinh, Phúc Trần

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Hypertension is becoming a global health problem due to the increase in life expectancy and the frequency of risk factors. According to statistics from the Vietnam Cardiology Association in 2015, 47,3% of Vietnamese people (20,8 million people) have high blood pressure and 69,0% (8,1 million people) have uncontrolled high blood pressure5. The objectives of the study are to analyze the antihypertensive medication use and factors related to the effectiveness of controlling hypertension in outpatients at Vung Tau hospital in 2023. A cross-sectional study was conducted on 306 hypertension patients from January 2023 to April 2023. The study showed that 40,2 % of patients achieved target blood pressure. Factors such as age group (p < 0,01; OR = 3,005; 95% CI = 1,701-5,311), nutrition education (p = 0,025; OR = 3,3; 95% CI = 1,161-9,375), medication adherence (p = 0,025; OR = 3,028; 95% CI = 1,147-7,997) affects treatment effectiveness.

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