Thị Thúy Minh Trần, Phú Phong Huỳnh

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Background: Thalassemia is a common hereditary hemolytic disease in children. In recent decades, with efforts to treat and manage this disease, mortality rates have decreased significantly, however, endocrine disorders and cardiovascular complications are still the leading causes of mortality and death. Objective: to determine rate of endocrine disorders in children with thalassemia major and related factors. Methods: A Cross-sectional study with prospective analysis on 79 children under 16 years old with thalassemia major at the Tay Nguyen general hospital, Vietnam. From April to June 2024, Information was collected through clinical examination, ferritin, T4, TSH, Hb, impaired fasting glucose, and bone age determination by X-ray of the non-dominant wrist. Results: A total of 46 boys and 33 girls with an average age of 8.6±3.9 years old. Most of them were β thalassemia and β Thalassemia/HbE. 13.9% had splenectomy, hypothyroidism 0%, diabetes mellitus 5.1%, impaired fasting glucose 10.1%, delayed puberty 83.3%, delayed bone age development 62.0%, stunting 79.7%. Average Hb before blood transfusion 6.8±1.4g/dL, average treatment time 7.4±3.8 years. There is a strong positive correlation between SGPT, SGOT and serum ferritin levels. The average treatment time higher, the average Hb before transfusion lower in the diabetes mellitus and impaired fasting glucose groups (p<0.05). Conclusion: The rate of endocrine disorders in thalassemia patients is still high. There needs to be a reasonable strategy for active management, iron chelation, and screening endocrine diseases in thalassemia major patients at Tay Nguyen general hospital.

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