Thị Thơm Hoàng, Văn Bắc1 Trần, Thị Lệ Thu Trần, Thị Thanh Luyến Nguyễn, Mi Trang Phạm, Thị Thu Liễu Nguyễn

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Objective: Assess the feeding practice for tetanus patients at the Central Tropical Diseases Hospital in 2022. Research methods: Cross-sectional, prospective description on 33 patients with tetanus. Results: 24-hour dietary energy and the amount of nutrients for patients were improved and increased at the time of the study and when discharged from the hospital, the proportion of patients nourished reached over 75% of recommended needs. recommendation is 64.5%. The proportion of patients with poor nutrition, not reaching 60% of basic metabolic needs, is still high. By day 14, this rate was still 39.4%. Good nutrition will help patients improve blood albumin and blood protein indexes.

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