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Objective: To evaluate the cleaning results of the root canal system using U-Files (Mani) in experimental settings. Subjects and methods: The study was conducted on 25 extracted first premolars collected from Hanoi Medical University Hospital and the School of Dentistry, Hanoi Medical University (15 maxillary first premolars and 10 mandibular first premolars) between August 2023 and May 2024. The research method was a controlled experimental study, describing morphology under SEM, random sample selection according to the criteria until the number of studies is sufficient. Results: The cleaning ability of U-Files (Mani) decreases from the coronal third to the apical third in both straight and curved root canals. In straight canals, no dentin tubules were fully covered by the smear layer in the coronal third, but 8.57% of samples were at level D and 22.86% at level E. Similar results were observed in moderately and severely curved canals. At the middle third or apical third positions, files smaller than the final shaping file demonstrated better cleaning ability, showing a higher cleaning rate difference in both straight and moderately curved canals. However, in severely curved canals, the cleaning rates using instruments of two different sizes were nearly the same. The cleaning efficiency decreased as the canal curvature increased, and this change was consistent across all three positions
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ultrasonic irrigation, U-Files, premolars.
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