Tất Thắng Trần, thangmatna@gmail.com Văn, Trần Hoài Lê, Sa Huỳnh Nguyễn

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Objectives: Evaluating the results of senile entropion surgery Subjects and methods: Uncontrolled clinical intervention study of 50 eyes of elderly patients diagnosed with entropion and treated with surgery at Nghe An Eye Hospital from November 2021 to July 2022 Results: After surgery, the patient's physical symptoms improved significantly because there was no longer irritation when the eyelashes and eyelid margins rubbed against the cornea. The patient's vision improved because the patient's cornea was clearer; The success rate of surgery is 98.8%. The number of patients who were very satisfied after surgery accounted for 76%. There were 11 satisfied patients, accounting for 22%. There was only 1 unsatisfied case accounting for 2% due to entropion recurrence 3 months after surgery

Article Details


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