Đào Vũ Đỗ, Quang Dự Nguyễn, Thị Linh Trần, Đào Quang4 Đỗ, Thị Mỹ Linh Nguyễn, Thị Vân Anh Uông, Thu Thủy Phạm, Thiện Nhân Nguyễn, Việt Phương Đào, Văn Giáp Vũ

Main Article Content


Objective: To evaluate the rate of pneumonia after acute stroke patients in phase rehabilitation and describe the relationship between pneumonia associated stroke (SAP) and rehabilitation outcomes. Subject and methods: Prospective descriptive study on 465 patients diagnosed with acute stroke at the rehabilitation center of Bach Mai hospital from March 2023 to December 2023. Results: Average age is 62.88±12.95, male/female ratio is 2/1, ischemic rate is 74.8%, cerebral hemorrhage is 25.2%, average NIHSS score is 9.57±3.7. The SAP rate is 16.34%. Patients with SAP has a higher rate of dysphagia, rate of nasogastric tube, and NIHSS score than the group of patients without SAP, p < 0.05. Conclusion: The rate of SAP at rehabilitation center Bach Mai hospital is quite high at 16.34%.

Article Details


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