Hữu Thịnh Nguyễn, Minh Triết Lê, Thanh Sang Trần, Đức Huy Trần, Trung Kiên Lê, Trịnh Ngọc An Lê, Ngọc Trường Vinh Phạm

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Aims: The study aim was to compare the posoperative pain level, overall complications between transverse suprapubic and periumbilical incision in laparascopic anterior and low anterior resection in colorectal cancer treatment. Methods: Retrospective corhort study. From 01/2019 to 8/2021, there were 186 patients, divided into two groups: transverse suprapubic incision (n = 86) and periumbilical incision (n=110). The posoperative pain level, overall complications were compared between two groups. Results: After a mean 47-month follow up period, the transverse suprapubic incision significantly lower the incisional hernia rate, as compared to the periumbilical incision (0% vs 8,1%). There was no difference in the postoperative pain level and incisional infection rate between two groups. Conclusions: The transverse suprapubic incision significantly lower the incision infection rate, as compared to the periumbilical incision in laparoscopic anterior and low anterior resection.

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