douangchaleun Daovieng, Quang Bảy Nguyễn

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The treatment of lipid disorders in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus is crucial for reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases and enhancing the effectiveness of treatment. Objective: To describe the current status of lipid disorder treatment in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus at the outpatient clinic of the Endocrinology Department, Bach Mai Hospital. Subjects and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study conducted on 311 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus from September 4, 2023, to September 15, 2023. Results: 79.7% of the patients were at very high cardiovascular risk. The proportion of patients with HbA1c <7% was 32.5%, and those with fasting blood glucose levels ranging from 4.4 to 7.2 mmol/L was 42.1%. Atorvastatin and Rosuvastatin were the most commonly used drugs for treating lipid disorders, with usage rates of 47.1% and 38.1%, respectively. The proportion of patients achieving LDL-C targets according to cardiovascular risk stratification was 35.7%. Conclusion: Statins are the most commonly used drug group in the treatment of lipid disorders in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. 35.7% of patients achieved the LDL-C target according to cardiovascular risk stratification.

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