Thị Thanh Thanh Bùi, Thị Thanh Tú Nguyễn

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Objective: To evaluate the pain-reducing effects and improvement in knee joint mobility of ultrasound therapy combined with electroacupuncture in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis according to traditional medicine patterns. Subjects, methods: A clinical intervention study was conducted, comparing pre- and post-treatment outcomes in 60 diagnosed knee osteoarthritis patients divided into 2 groups: Group I (Wind and Cold Damp syndrome combined with Liver and Kidney yin deficiency syndrome) and Group II (Wind and Heat Damp syndrome combined with Liver and Kidney yin deficiency syndrome). Results: After 15 days of treatment, the average reduction in pain intensity measured by the VAS scale for group I was 3.21 ± 0.78 (points), and for group II was 3.41 ± 0.69 (points); the average reduction in WOMAC score for group I was 27.82 ± 4.55 (points), and for group II was 29.22 ± 4.92 (points); the average increase in range of motion for group I was 11.42 ± 4.48 (degrees), and for group II was 12.74 ± 6.38 (degrees). The improvement in average performance of each group was statistically significant compared to pre-treatment. However, there was no statistically significant difference in the improvement in average performance between the two groups (p > 0,05).

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