Minh Trung Phạm, Văn Sơn Trịnh , Thị Lệ Quyên Đỗ, Hoàng Thành Nguyễn, Thị Huyền Nguyễn

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Objective: The study aims to evaluate the clinical, paraclinical characteristics, and genotypes of patients with hepatitis C virus. Research design: Cross-sectional descriptive study combining retrospective and prospective on 40 patients with hepatitis C virus, multicenter at Central Military Hospital 108 and Military Hospital 103 from January/2021-3/2024. Results: The average age of patients was 57.5 ± 13.3 years old, of which men accounted for the majority (77.5%). 80% of people go to the doctor because of fatigue. Cancer with hypertension being the two most common comorbidities (30% and 17.5%). Liver enzyme results ALT 162.0 IQR (81.0-852.0) U/l, AST 105.0 IQR (47.0-432.0) U/l, GGT 193.0 IQR (120.0- 373.0) U/l. Billirubin TP index 18.0 IQR (11.0-96.0) µmol/l, billirubin TT 6.0 IQR (4.0-63.0) µmol/l. Hepatitis C virus load 1,150,000 copies/ml, IQR (221,000-7,342,500) copies/ml. The majority of hepatitis C virus genotypes are genotype 6 (47.1%), genotype 1 (35.3%). Conclusion: Mainly men, with the majority in the age group of 46-75 years old. Liver enzyme indexes (AST, ALT, GGT) and Billirubin TP/TT index all exceeded the normal threshold. The most common hepatitis C virus genotypes are gene 1 and gene 6.

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