Thị Lộc Nguyễn, Quang Lộc Phạm, Thị Thu Hương Phan

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HCV coinfection in HIV patients might increase the risk of advanced cirrhosis and mortality. Hepatitis C treatment by the direct-acting antiviral agent is safe and effective and reduces interaction with ARV in these patients. Hai Phong city currently ranks seventh nationwide in terms of the HIV epidemic, including 24.9% of people infected with the Hepatitis C virus. Objective: To describe the results of Hepatitis C virus treatment in co-infected HIV patients in Hai Phong City period 2021-2022. Methodology: A Retrospective cross-sectional study implemented 550 Hepatitis C patients being treated for HIV in 8 OPCs in Hai Phong City through an available database of the HMED VGC online platform. Results: The proportion of achieving SVR 12 was 86.2%, not achieving SVR 12 was 3.6%, and 10.2% did not have SVR12 results at the end of the regimen. The proportion of achieving SVR 12 for the 18-29 age group, females, the group of F4 stage cirrhosis, and those using second-line HIV regimens was 100%. The proportion of achieving SVR12 was similar between people with a history of injecting drugs and not injecting drugs, compensated cirrhosis and non-cirrhosis, F0-F1-F2-F3 stage cirrhosis. Patients who did not meet SVR 12 were primarily males aged 40-49, with a history of injecting drug use and self-employed. Recommendation: It is necessary to focus on monitoring treatment outcomes for males co-infected with HIV/HCV patients who are 40-49 years old, self-employed, and have a history of injection drug use. Further study should focus on the barriers and reasons why patients did not come for final SVR12 testing or drop out of treatment.

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