Seng Someth1,, Trần Việt Tú1, Nguyễn Tùng Linh1
1 Vietnam Military Medical University

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Objectives: To determine the characteristics and relationship of some hematological and coagulation indices with histopathology in alcoholic liver disease. Subjects and methods: 60 patients with alcoholic liver disease were inpatient at 103 Military Hospital, from January 2015 to July 2017. The research indicators are red blood cell count, hemoglobin content, white blood cell count, platelet count, Prothrombin (%), activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), fibrinogen concentration and International normalized ratio (INR). Results and conclusion: 45.0% of patients with alcoholic liver disease reduced red blood cell count <4.2 T/l; 16.7% of patients decreased hemoglobin concentration <120 g/l and 35.0% of patients decreased platelet count <140 G/l. Hb concentration and platelet count were inversely correlated with the stage of liver fibrosis on histopathology (r= -0.25 and r= -0.28; p<0.05). There were 6.7% patients reduced Prothrombin rate <70%; 3.3% of patients increased INR > 1.3. There were 13.3% patients decreased Fibrinogen concentration <2 g/l and 1.7% patients had APTT duration >40 seconds. Prothrombin (%) is negatively correlated with liver fibrosis stage (r = -0.42; p<0.001), INR is positively correlated with liver fibrosis stage on histopathology (r = 0.37; p<0.01).

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