Main Article Content
Objectives: To describe the results of total cystectomy and the ileal conduit diversion (bricker) to treat bladder cancer at Viet Duc University Hospital in the period 2019 - 2024. Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study. Results: Of the 60 patients who underwent total cystectomy and ileal conduit diversion (bricker) to treat bladder cancer at Viet Duc University Hospital in the period 2019 - 2024, 91.7% were male. The average age of the patients was 62.1 ± 9.3 years. Preoperative imaging diagnosis: 20 patients (33.4%) had tumors in stage T2,3a, 38 patients (63,3%) had tumors in stage T3b, 2 patients (3,3%) had tumors in stage T4. The average surgery time of the patients was 226.75 ± 57.0 minutes. In which, the patient had the shortest surgery time of 112 minutes and the longest of 374 minutes.After total cystectomy and urinary diversion by Bricker method for cancer, 66.7% of patients had good surgical results and 33.3% of patients had average surgical results. No patient had poor surgical results. After surgery, 58.1% of patients felt self-conscious and afraid to communicate because of the smell of urine. 67.4% of patients continued to work normally. Conclusion: Total cystectomy and urinary diversion Bricker method is a safe surgical procedure and ensures the principle of radical treatment for patients with muscle-invasive bladder cancer and brings good postoperative quality of life.
Article Details
Bladder cancer, ileal conduit (bricker), Viet Duc University Hospital.
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