Nguyễn Ngọc Rạng1,, Dương Thanh Long2
1 Đại học Y Dược Cần Thơ
2 Bệnh viện Sản Nhi An Giang

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Background: Encephalitis is a common infection of the central nervous system in children, but it is difficult to identify the cause. Objectives: To study the etiology of viral encephalitis and to describe the clinical and paraclinical characteristics of viral encephalitis in children of An giang province. Subjects and Methods: A retrospective study describing cases of encephalitis hospitalized at the Woman and Children Hospital of An Giang from January 2018 to December 2019. To identify the causative agents of encephalitis, PCR was performed from CSF to diagnose of Enterovirus and Herpes simplex; Mac-Elisa was performd to diagnose of Dengue and Japanese encephalitis. Results: 45 patients from 6 months to 14 years olds, were enrolled in the study. The etiology of viral encephalis was determined in 26,6 % patients including Japanese encephalitis (6 cases), Enterovirus (4 cases) and Herpes simplex ( 2 cases). The most common signs and symstoms were: fever, vomit, convulsion, disturbance of consciousness and localizing neurologic signs. The children with positive diagnosis of viral agents had less convulsion, leukocytosis and high concenrtation of lactat in CSF. Both patients suffering from Herpes simplex encephalitis had convulsion, coma and hemiplegia. Conclusion: Japanese-B virus and Enterovirus are the most common etiology of viral encephalitis in An giang province. Encephalitis due to Herpes simplex is uncommon but it was associated with significant morbidity and mortality

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