Thị Mai Hương Trần, Thị Thanh Tâm Nguyễn, Thị Ngọc Anh Phạm, Thu Hằng Trần, Quốc Hoàn Trần, Thị Thanh Hà Vũ, Thị Lệ Diễm Đỗ, Thanh Huyền Ngô, Thị Vân Vũ, Thị Tuyền Phạm, Đình Dũng Trần

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Children with congenital heart disease are at high risk for complications when placing and caring for peripherally inserted central catheters (PICC). The risk factors stem from both pathophysiological characteristics such as heart failure and blood hypercoagulability, as well as treatment-related factors like the presence of foreign materials post-surgery. To assist healthcare staff in promptly detecting and preventing these complications, specific guidelines for PICC practices are essential. In Vietnam, PICC practices in children are limited, with significant knowledge and skill gaps. This review aims to compare PICC practices between Vietnam and the world, describe the appropriate catheter tip positions, and investigate the risks of complications associated with PICCs in children with congenital heart disease, with the goal of improving technical procedures and ensuring patient safety.

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