Minh Trí Đoàn, Thị Hoàng Yến Trương

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Objective: To investigate the stress distribution on a single-crown all-ceramic dental bridge, the cement layer, and the periodontal ligament using Zirconia and Lithium disilicate materials. Subjects and Methods: Four models of an all-ceramic cantilever resin -bonded fixed dental prostheses were created using two types of materials: Zirconia and Lithium disilicate, specifically for the restoration of the upper right lateral incisor (R12). The prepared models were sent to a laboratory for the design of the single-crown bridge. The final restoration data were obtained in STL file format, while the initial and prepared dental models were provided in DICOM format for reconstructing the midline incisor and canine models using SolidWorks software. Results: The forces applied to the bridge generated higher stress on the bridge itself and the cement layer of the cantilever resin -bonded fixed dental prostheses compared to the forces on the abutment teeth. With increasing force values, the Zirconia material exhibited a faster increase in stress compared to Lithium disilicate. The stress on the bridge concentrated at the junction of the restoration, while the cement layer stress was focused on the periphery and near the junction, and the stress on the periodontal ligament of the abutment teeth was primarily at the apical region of the root. Conclusion: This study indicates that the design type, material used for the prosthesis, and chewing forces significantly influence the stress distribution on cantilever resin -bonded fixed dental prostheses.

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