Vũ Thị Trung Anh1,, Mai Thị Hiền2
1 Hanoi Medical University
2 Urology-Nephrology and Dialysis Center, Bach Mai Hospital

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Catheter vascular access infections are serious complication anda significant cause of morbidity and mortality for HD patients. The aims of thestudy were to evaluate catheter – related infections and to indentify some factors related increase the catheter – related infectionsin acute hemodialysis patients. Subjects and methods: Described 52 cases at high risk of catheter – related infections in Bach Mai hospital from March 2019 to March 2021. Results: The meanage: 46,85 ± 20,15 years (16-85years), The ratio of males to females  is 2,25:1. Group with fever sign is 82,7%,group with non-fever sign 17,3%. The most common site of infection is the right femoral venous catheter.The most common manifestation is drainage from the exit site. The most frequent pathogens identified were S. aureus. The rate of catheter – related bloodstream infections are28/38 (75,7%). For male sex and season to outureteral stent were significant risk factors for thedevelopment of catheter – related infections. Conclusions: The rate of Catheter-related bloodstream infections accounted for 75.7%, mostly is S. aureus.  Catheter-related infections in HD patients can occur at any age, and are more common in males. The rate of Catheter-related infections accounted for 75.7%, mostly is S. aureus. For male sex and season to outureteral stent were significant risk factors for thedevelopment of catheter – related infections. Patients should be instructed catheter cleaning and monitoring in the dialysis care process.

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