Nguyễn Văn Phi1,2,, Nguyễn Văn Tuấn1,2,3
1 Hanoi Medical University
2 National Geriatric Hospital
3 National Mental Health Institute, Bach Mai Hospital

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Objectives: To investigate the efficacy of rTMS as augmentative treatment in depressive patients. Subjects: 50 depressive patients according to ICD 10 criteria. Method: In a non randomised, controlled intervention trial in 50 depressive patients were assigned to real stimulation on the left dorso-lateral prefrontal cortex, (120%MT, 10Hz, trains of 4,05s, inter-train- intervals of 11,05s, 18’26 minutes per session, 5 session per week) (25 patients) or non stimulation (25 patients) for 2 weeks in addition to simultaneously initiated antidepressant medication. Results: The rTMS group showed a significantly faster reduction as assessed by the response rate in Beck’s Depresion Inventory (BDI) scores (p = 0.031) after the fist week, and the treatment effect is extended after 2 weeks at the endpoint (p<0.001).The combination of drugs and rTMS had a higher rate of remission, but he difference between the two groups was not statistically significant. Conclusions: These results support the efficacy of rTMS in hastening the response to antidepressant drugs in depressive patients in the fist and second week.

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