Thiên Hương Bùi, Tuấn Nghĩa Nghiêm, Thị Ánh Nguyệt Bùi, Trọng Hưng Nguyễn, Thị Mận Ngô, Nam Khánh Đỗ

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Objective: Describe the nutritional status of elderly people with type 2 diabetes at the National Hospital of Endocrinology in 2023-2024. Research method: Cross-sectional descriptive study on 292 elderly people with type 2 diabetes over 65 years old who were inpatients at the National Hospital of Endocrinology. Research results: Of the 292 subjects participating in the study, men accounted for 48.6% and women accounted for 51.4%. The average age of the study subjects was 73.7 ± 6.3 years. According to the collected research data, the majority of the study subjects had diabetes for 10 years or more (73%), with only 3.4% of the study subjects having diabetes for less than 1 year. In total, 98.6% of subjects had lipid metabolism disorders, 90.1% of subjects had hypertension, 64.7% of subjects had cardiovascular diseases, 30.8% of subjects had kidney disease, 26.7% of subjects had eye diseases. In addition, 39.4% of subjects had other diseases such as gastric ulcers, gout, prostate enlargement, COPD, Basedow's disease... Cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, lipid metabolism disorders have a higher rate in women than in men. Notably, all female subjects participating in the study had lipid metabolism disorders. The rate of nutritional risk in men (47.2%) was higher than in women (42.7%). The rate of malnutrition was almost the same in both sexes (men 16.2%, women 16%). Conclusion: The majority of participants were at risk of malnutrition and were malnourished, had diabetes for more than 10 years and most had ≥3 comorbidities.

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