Hin Khiev, Văn Minh Đỗ, Mạnh Khánh Nguyễn

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Objectives: To evaluate the outcomes of open reduction and internal fixation for closed bimalleolar ankle fracture at Viet Duc University Hospital. Materials and methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study involving 44 patients with close bimalleolar ankle fractures who performed open reduction and tibial fixation from January 2021 to February 2024 at Viet Duc University Hospital. The fracture reduction results were evaluated based on standard anterolateral, lateral, and mortise views of ankle X-rays. Bone healing and foot and ankle function were assessed 6 months after surgery. Results: 44 patients,  including 21 males and 23 females with an average age of 46,6±17,6 years; according to Danis-Weber classification, type B ankle injuries account for the majority with 56.8%; tibiofibular mortise injuries account for 70,5%. The reduction results on X-rays showed that 41.7% of patients had perfect anatomical correction, and 58.3% had at least one unmet anatomical standard. All patients had bone healing 6 months after surgery. Five patients had ankle osteoarthritis symptoms, accounting for 11.4%. The average AOFAS score is 91.5±6.4, of which the number of patients achieving good and fair scale accounts for 95.5%, and the average scale accounts for 4.5%. Conclusion: Open reduction and internal fixation is an effective method of the treatment of closed bimalleolar ankle fractures.

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