Thị Thúy Huyền Ngụy, Thành Nam Nguyễn

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Objective: The study has objectives: Describe the clinical and paraclinical characteristics of upper respiratory infections in children under 5 years old with the disease treated at Tan Bien Medical Center. Methods: Descriptive, retrospective and prospective study design on 123 children under 5 years old (60 months) diagnosed with upper respiratory infections who were examined and treated at Tan Bien Medical Center, Tay Ninh from January 2024 to May 2024. Result: Clinical and paraclinical characteristics: Of the total 123 children, the number of malnourished children was 20 (16.2%), of which 14.6% were moderately malnourished and 1.6% were severely malnourished. Some characteristics of the children's medical history: 39.8% of mothers exclusively breastfed their children in the first 6 months of life, 60.2% used additional formula and early weaning; 88.6% of children were fully vaccinated and on schedule, 13.8% were not fully vaccinated or not on schedule; 13.8% of children were born prematurely, and mainly 77.2% were born normally. Functional symptoms: cough accounted for 63.4%; 35.8% of children had aches and fatigue; 52.8% had mild fever and 29.3% had high fever; 42.3% had runny nose; 66.7% had sore throat and 52.8% had poor appetite and poor feeding. Physical symptoms: 87.0% of children had red and swollen throat and 35.8% had swollen tonsils. Classification by pathological diagnosis: rhinitis accounted for 13.8%; pharyngitis accounted for 50.4% and tonsillitis accounted for 35.8%. The rate of increased white blood cells was 70.7%, of which rhinitis was 10.6%, pharyngitis was 30.9% and tonsillitis was 29.2%.

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