Nguyễn Thanh Thông1,, Kim Văn Vụ1
1 Hanoi Medical University

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Objective: To evaluate theearly results of patients who underwent distal subtotal gastrectomy and Roux en Y reconstruction for cancer of gastric antrum. Patients and methods: Description study of 55 patientsunderwent distal subtotal gastrectomy and Roux en Y reconstruction for cancer of gastric antrum in Vietnam’s National Cancer Hospital from 6/2019 to 6/2021. Results: Median length of hospital stay was8,65 ± 2,30 days, with statistically significant shorter in the laparoscopic surgery group (average) is shorter thanopen surgery group (7,36±1,21 days vs 8,98±2,41 days; p=0,004). Three patients (5.45%) experienced early complications,of are wound infections). About late complications at 6 months after surgery, the incidence of remnant gastritis was 25,45%, reflux symptoms was 12,73%, dumping syndrome was 3,64% and there are no cases of Roux syndrome. Fourty-six patients (83.64%)gained weight.  90,91%of patients scored 8 or higher on a 10-point forthe Spitzer Quality of life Index. Conclusions: Roux en Y reconstruction after distal subtotal gastrectomy has bringed benefits  to patients with low rate of early complications or late complications at 6 months after surgery and good quality of life.

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