Ngọc Chiều Hà, Thị Hiền Mai, Văn Đăng Nguyễn, Bảo Ngọc Trịnh

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Objective: The study aims to describe the current status of dental caries in patients after radiotherapy for head and neck cancer at Vietnam National Cancer Hospital in 2023-2024. Subjects and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted on 156 patients aged 18 years and older who underwent radiotherapy for head and neck cancer from February 2023 to September 2024. Patients were examined and assessed for dental caries status after 1 month, 2 months, 3 months and over 3 months of radiotherapy. Results: The rate of dental caries was 78.8%. Of which, the group aged 35-59 years had the highest rate of dental caries (82.6%). The rate of dental caries in men was 80.9%, higher than in women (73.2%). The rate of dental caries tended to increase gradually in the first 3 months after radiotherapy (p<0.05). The DMFT and DMFS indexes of patients aged 60 and over were the highest among all age groups. Conclusion: Patients after radiotherapy for head and neck cancer had a very high rate of tooth decay, of which the age group from 35-59 had the highest rate and was predominantly male. The DMFT and DMFS indexes increased gradually with age. Further studies with larger sample sizes are needed to understand many factors related to oral health in this group of patients.

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