Lê Viết Nam1,, Phạm Cẩm Phương1
1 Nuclear Medicine and Oncology Center, Bach Mai Hospital

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Objective: To evaluate the results of chemotherapy with pemetrexed in stage IIIB-IV non-small cell lung cancer at Bach Mai Hospital. Subjects and Methods: A retrospective and prospective descriptive study on 63 adenocarcinoma lung cancer patients with stage IIIB-IV who received chemotherapy with pemetrexed at Bach Mai Hospital since June 2018 to June 2021. Results: Mean age: 61.5 ±7.2; the oldest patient: 74; male/female ratio: 1.75/1; 76,3% of patients achieve clinical symptoms response; of which 16,9% respond completely; Ratio response: 38.1% partial response, 39.1% stable disease, 20.6% progressive disease and 1 patient complete response; Median progression-free survival was 8.2 months (CI 95%: 7.1-9.5); median overall survival was 16,0 months; (CI 95%: 14.2 17.8); Good performance status (ECOG) improves response rates, prolongs progression-free survival and overall survival. Conclusion: Treatment of stage IIIB-IV adenocarcinoma lung cancer with chemotherapy with pemetrexed improves response rate and survival time.

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