Anh Tiến Nguyễn, Thị Việt Hà Nguyễn, Thiện Hải Đỗ

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Subjects: Children diagnosed with liver abscess treated at the National Children's Hospital from January 2018 - July 2022. Objective: describe the clinical and paraclinical characteristics of children with liver abscess. Results: the ratio of male and female children is 60% and 40%. Common symptoms are Fever 82.5%; liver pain 78.8%; hepatomegaly 72.5%; jaundice accounts for a very low rate (3.8%). The average blood white blood cell count is quite high (16.9 ± 8.7 G/L); Quantitative increase in GOT above 40 mmol/L accounts for 36.3%; GPT increased above 40 mmol/L, accounting for 32.5%; Prothrombin rate decreased below 60%, accounting for 7.5%. The number of cases with 1 lesion and 3 or more lesions accounts for a high proportion (48.8 and 47.5%). Conclusion: Children with liver abscess can be found at any age, the proportion of children is higher than that of women, the proportion of children coming from urban areas is less than that of rural and mountainous areas. Clinical symptoms are often non-specific. CRP and white blood cell indexes in the blood increased. The rate of liver function decline is low. Ultrasound, CT scan, and MRI of the abdomen can give an accurate diagnosis.

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Akhondi H, Sabih DE. Liver Abscess. StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing. Copyright © 2023, StatPearls Publishing LLC.; 2023.
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