Hữu Hên Phan, Đình Hưng Cao, Quốc Dũng Trương

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Background: Osteoporosis in postmenopausal women is a critical healthcare issue due to its rising prevalence and severe consequences, particularly when combined with type 2 diabetes, which further elevates osteoporosis risk due to the combined effects of age, menopause, and underlying health conditions. Although numerous international studies have identified risk factors, data in Vietnam remain limited, lacking sufficient guidance for effective treatment and prevention. This study aims to bridge this gap by providing vital insights into the prevalence and risk factors of osteoporosis among this specific patient population, thereby supporting improved care quality. Objective: To determine the prevalence and risk factors of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes. Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted involving all postmenopausal female patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes at the Endocrinology Clinic of Cho Ray Hospital from January 2024 to June 2024. Result: The study included 102 postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes, revealing significant differences in osteoporosis rates across various sites. At the lumbar spine, 21.6% of patients had osteoporosis, 41.2% had osteopenia, and 37.3% had normal bone density; whereas at the femoral neck, the osteoporosis rate decreased to 12.7%, with 47.1% showing osteopenia and 40.2% having normal bone density. This difference was statistically significant (p<0.001). When combining both sites, the overall osteoporosis rate was 26.5%, with osteopenia in 50.0% of patients, and only 23.5% having normal bone density. The study identified several risk factors for osteoporosis, including a history of corticosteroid use (p<0.001) and low body weight (p=0.047), while physical activity was found to be a protective factor (p=0.019). Notably, osteoporosis risk was significantly higher in women postmenopausal for over 10 years (p=0.003), those with diabetes duration of 10 years or more (p=0.001), and those with poor glycemic control (HbA1c≥7%, p=0.037). Among these risk factors, a history of corticosteroid use and a diabetes duration of over 10 years were found to be independent predictors of increased osteoporosis risk (p<0.05). Conclusion: The study found that 26.5% of postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes had osteoporosis. Significant risk factors include corticosteroid use history, low body weight, postmenopausal duration of 10 years or more, diabetes duration of 10 years or more, and poor glycemic control (HbA1c ≥ 7%), while physical activity serves as a protective factor. Multivariate logistic regression confirmed corticosteroid use history and diabetes duration of 10 years or more as independent risk factors, underscoring their critical role in osteoporosis risk elevation.

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