Đặng Thị Hường1,, Đặng Triệu Hùng1, Đinh Diệu Hồng2
1 The Odonto-Stomatology Training Institute, Hanoi Medical University
2 University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Vietnam National University, Hanoi

Main Article Content


The conservative treatment methods for chronic recurrent parotitis are increasingly interested due to the high cost and complications of surgical treatment; In addition, the ability of the glands to restore function or be asymptomatic after removal of the obstruction has been demonstrated experimentally and clinically. Objectives: Describe the results of conservative treatment of chronic recurrent parotitis. Materials and methods: Review and analysis of data on conservative treatment of chronic recurrent parotitis from articles, theses and dissertations on Pubmed database, Google Scholar , EBSCOhost Research Databases. Results: Synthesized in 155 studies filtering the title and introduction on 3 databases: Pubmed, Google Scholar, ESBCO host Research Databases were 32 studies. Continuing to evaluate the literature in detail, 5 documents met the criteria for analysis: 3 prospective studies and 2 randomized controlled clinical trials. The results of the analysis showed that: conservative treatment of chronic recurrent parotitis with ductal irrigation, in combination with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents, is highly effective, with improved VAS index was markedly compared to before treatment and the recurrence rate was low. The patient was irrigated with penicillin with stable treatment results, no recurrence after 8 years. Combining sialendoscopy and irrigation of the ductal system with betamethasone improves VAS better than sialendoscopy alone. Conclusion: Conservative treatment of chronic parotitis with ductal irrigation, combined with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents is highly effective, with significant improvement in VAS index compared with with pre-treatment and low recurrence rate.

Article Details


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