Phan Thành Nam1,, Phạm Thị Thanh Hiền1,2, Nguyễn Thị Hồng Phượng1, Bùi Thuỳ Dương1
1 National Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology
2 Hanoi Medical University

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Implanon NXT® is a high-effective, long-acting duration of action, quickly reversible after removal contraception. However, there are some side effects. Objective: to determine the side effects of Implanon NXT® for 3-years-used contraception. Method: A follow-up descriptive study of 310 clients who inserted Implanon NXT® for contraception from June 2017 to May 2018, followed to May 2021 at Center for reproductive health and Family planning – National Hospital for Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Side effects and removals were recorded. Result: Menstrual side effect: Amenorrhoea and spotted bleeding, menorrhagia and frequent bleeding, normal menstruation were reported by 39.0%, 26.1% and 14.8% clients respectively in the first 6 months, and changed to 20.9%, 23.8% and 24.8% clients after 3 years. Non-menstrual side effects comprised weight gain (50%), vaginal dryness and loss of libido (30%), mood swings (13.8%), acne (11.9%), breast tenderness (8.2%). The rate of Implanon NXT® removal was 29%. The main reason is mentrual disorder, 44.4%. Conclusion: the rate of menstrual disorders decreased gradually over time. The highest of non-menstrual side effect rate was weight gain. The Implanon NXT® discontinuation rate due to menstrual disorders accounted for the most.

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