Đinh Việt Hùng1,, Huỳnh Ngọc Lăng1, Phạm Ngọc Thảo1
1 Bệnh viện Quân y 103

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Objective: To study clinical features of delusions in patients with acute psychotic disorder (APD). Objects and methods: 36 patients with APD were treated at Department of Psychiatry, Military Hospital 103 from July 2018 to July 2020. Results: Distribution of delusions in research subjects including: Persecutory delusion accounted for 73.53%, while 86.11% of patients suffered from both delusion and hallucination. Most of auditory hallucinations were experienced daily in 82.14% of patients; In terms of attitudes and behaviors, majority of patients with acute psychotic disorder believed in and massively responded to delusions of persecution, control, and reference with prevalence between 64.29%-88%. The most common mood disorder was depressive disorder, accounting for 47.22%; while the most common behavioral disorder was agitation, accounting for 27.78%. After 2 week treatment, symptom of delusion being in full remission accounted for 91.18%, whereas 8.82 of patients was in partial remission. Conclusion: Delusion is a common and relevant symptom in diagnosis of acute psychotic disorder with diverse and complex features.

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