Dương Chí Hiếu1, Nguyễn Khánh Long2, Nguyễn Trường Minh1,3,
1 The Odonto-Stomatology Training Institute, Hanoi Medical University
2 Vietnam - Cuba Hospital
3 Hanoi Medical University Hospital

Main Article Content


Introduction: The purpose of this study was to assess facial symmetry in patients with skeletal Class III. Methods: The patients consisted of 20 adults with skeleton class III, divided into the asymmetry group (n=13) and the symmetry group (n=7) according to the degree of soft-menton deviation. Three-dimensional computed tomography scans were obtained with a spiral computed tomography scanner. Landmarks were designated on the reconstructed 3-dimensional surface models. Results: In the asymmetry group, patients showed large shift of menton, mandibular ramus and body lengths were significantly longer on the nondeviated side than on the deviated side (P <0,05). The distance between Gonion and Jugale to Mid-Sagital plane and Coronal Plane were longer on the deviated side than on the nondeviated side. Conclusions: Both ramus and body appeared to contribute to mandibular asymmetry. Maxillomandibular complex had roll and yaw rotations to the menton-deviation. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully evaluate these skeletal units when planning a treatment strategy of facial asymmetry.

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