Phan Văn Anh1,, Nguyễn Hồng Hà2, Lê Văn Nam2
1 The Odonto-Stomatology Training Institute, Hanoi Medical University
2 Vietnam-Germany Friendship Hospital

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Objectives: Description of lesions on Computer Tomography (CT) in patients at Viet Duc University Hospital with Naso Orbito Ethmoid fracture (NOE), to provide information for diagnosis and treatment planning. Subjects and method: The cross – sectional descriptive study of 43 patients with NOE fracture were treated at the Department of Maxillofacial – Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery, Viet Duc University Hospital from 01/2020 to 04/2021. The data were statistically analyzedby SPSS software. Results: In 43 patients, 37 patients (86%) had fronto – maxillary joint damage, 100% had lacrima-infraorbital margin lesions, 33 patients had medial orbital wall lesions (76,7%), nasal bones fracture were founded in 30 patients (69,8%), 34 patients with septal fracture (79,1%), 42 patients with ethmoid sinus lesions (97,7%), 14 patients (32,6%) with frontal sinus walls fracture. The rate of lesions according to type I is the most common (65.1%), followed by type II (30.2%), the least common is type III (4.7%). The rate of maxillary fracture is the highest at 74.4%. Traumatic brain injuries for 44.2%. Zygomatic complex and mandibular fractures are less common with the rate of 27.9%, respectively; 16.3%. Conclusion: CT is the gold standard for diagnosing NOE fracture. Besides, it also helps doctors quickly detect accompanying injuries such as facial bones fractures, traumatic brain injuries. Thereby, becoming an effective tool to help doctors plan a comprehensive treatment to achieve the best effect, minimizing complications.

Article Details


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