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Objectives: This study aim to evaluate the value of the IOTA ADNEX model in the diagnosis of benign – malignant levels of ovarian tumors at K hospital. Marterial and Methods: The propestive study was conducted on 54 patients from December 2020 to May 2021 at K hospital with clinical suspicion of ovarian tumor, were taken preoperative ultrasound and were collected data according to the IOTA ADNEX model, then were operated and diagnosed with ovarian tumor. The surgical and pathological results were compared with the IOTA ADNEX model data collected before surgery. Then the values of the IOTA ADNEX models in diagnosis ovarian tumors were evaluated. Results: Both the IOTA ADNEX model with CA 125 and the IOTA ADNEX model without CA 125 were very good for distinguishing between benign and malignant tumors with an Area under the curve (AUC) were 0,977 and 0,968, respectively. The optimal cut – off point of the IOTA ADNEX model with CA 125 and the IOTA ADNEX model without CA 125 were 24,5 and 25,2, respectively. At the optimal cut – off point, both two models had sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, accuracy of 92,3%, 96,8%, 96%, 93,8%, 94,7%, respectively. Conclusion: Both the IOTA ADNEX model with CA 125 and the IOTA ADNEX model without CA 125 have high value and are similar in distinguishing between benign and malignant ovarian tumors at K hospital.
Article Details
IOTA ADNEX, CA 125, ovarian tumor, ultrasound
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