Nguyễn Thị Bích Ngọc1,, Nguyễn Hoàng2, Trương Quang Trung2
1 Thanh Nhàn Hospital
2 Hanoi Medical University

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Purpose: The study aimed to describe the characteristics of surgical site infection (SSI) of patients undergoing gastrointestinal surgery at Thanh Nhan Hospital and analyzing some factors related to surgical site infection. gastrointestinal surgery from July 2020 to December 2020. Material and methods: The study conducted descriptive and prospective observational methods on gastrointestinal surgery patients at the Department of General Surgery, Thanh Nhan Hospital, during the study period from July 2020 to July 2020. end of December 2020. Results: The mean age of patients in this study was 48.56 ± 22.45, 46.1% of patients had no history of comorbidities. In 228 surgeries, there were 136 patients without postoperative drainage (59.6%), 170 laparoscopic surgeries, accounting for 74.6%; there were 58 open surgeries, accounting for 25.4%. Clean-contaminated surgery with the largest number of patients was 134 patients (58.8%). The risk index of surgical site infection used according to the NNIS system: 41 (18.0%) patients were at high and very high risk of surgical site infection. Postoperative infection is correlated with a number of factors: history of comorbidities; surgical procedure; surgery time; Postoperative drainage placement. Incisions classified as clean - infected, contaminated, dirty have a higher risk of wound infection than incisions with clean classification. Conclusion: The percentage of patients with surgical site infection did not differ according to age, BMI, and surgical method. The risk index of surgical site infection and the rate of UTI are correlated with accompanying medical history, surgical classification, surgical method, surgical time, postoperative drainage status, in addition. Risk index of surgical site infection also correlates with age, ASA classification, type of surgery. The duration of postoperative treatment of the group of patients with surgical site infection was much longer than that of the group of patients without surgical site infection.

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