Nguyễn Xuân Hậu1,
1 Hanoi Medical University Hospital

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Objective: To evaluate the clinical features and cervical lymph node metastasis of papillary thyroid carcinoma at Hanoi medical university hospital. Subjects and Methods: A retrospective study on 80 patients were diagnosed with papilary thyroid microcarcinoma, operated at Hanoi medical university hospital from March 2016 to January 2020. Results: Clinical palpation of tumors rate were 39.8%, unilateral tumor rate were 93.7%,  clinical cervical lymph nodes rate were 14.9%. The tumor detection rate on ultrasound were 100%, of which TIRADS 4 were 77.6%, lymph nodes on ultrasound were 25,5%. of which, the lateral cervical lymph node rate were 65.9%, The rate of loss of  hilar lymph node were 68.3%, the rate of calcification in the lymph nodes were 31.7%. All patients have been FNA, positive results accounted for 77%, suspected rate accounted for 18.3%, negative results accounting for 4.7%. Conclusion: Almost micropapillary carcinoma are diagnosed by screening,  lack of symtom,  clinical cervical lymph node metastasis are less.

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