Nguyễn Thị Vân1,, Phạm Văn Minh1
1 Hanoi Medical University

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Objectives: to evaluate the results of swallowing disorder treatment in patients with ischemic stroke by intergration of swallowing exercises and food thickening agents. Patients and methodology: Intervention study comparing before and after treatment was conducted on 33 stroke patients with swallowing disorder at Hanoi Rehabilitation Hospital. Results: the age group from 60 years old and older were highest with 81,8%. Most of patients had mild to moderate dysphagia, accounting for 87,9% and only 12,2% of patients had severe dysphagia. The proportion of patients with severe swallowing disorder decreased from 12,1% at the beginning of treatment to 9,1% after 5 days of treatment, after 10 days to 3% and after 15 days of treatment to 0%. By contract, the percentage of patients without swallowing disorder and mild swallowing disorder gradually increased from before treatment to after 5 days, 10 days and 15 days of treatment, with 33,3% to 60,6%, 81,8% and 90,9%, respectively. The proportion of patients at risk of severe aspiration decreased from 12,1% to 9,1% after 5 days of treatment, to 3% after 10 days and no patients at risk of severe aspiration after 15 days of treatment. In general, most of symptoms of swallowing disorders improved after treatment, in which the symptoms of coughing and choking in swallowing decreased the highest from 87,9% to 9,1%. Conclusion: treatment’s results with therapy combined of swallowing exercises and food thickening agents has shown positive results. It needs larger studies to provide additional information on treatment improvement.

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