Nguyễn Tri Quyết1,, Nguyễn Phú Thắng2, Vũ Anh Dũng1, Trương Thị Mai Anh3
1 Thai Binh University of Medicine and Pharmacy
2 Hanoi Medical University
3 University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Vietnam National University, Hanoi

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Objectives: Evaluation of accuracy and clinical safety of apicoectomy with surgery guide and a Trephine in different types of teeth. Subjects and methods: Non-controlled clinical intervention study, convenience sampling. A group of 30 patients with 44 root-ends having chronic periapical lesions, were eligible. The patients underwent root-end resection with a surgical guide and a Trephine. Evaluate the applicability of the method on different types of teeth, clinical safety, and deviation from the plan. Results: 44 root-ends were completely resected. The method can be performed in all teeth types. There were no notes of injury to adjacent anatomical structures. The resected root-end length deviation is 0.44mm (95% confidence interval: 0.3-0.54). The cross-sectional angle deviation is 4.860 (95% confidence interval: 4-5.62). The difference in resected root-end length and cross-sectional angle in different types of teeth was not statistically significant. Conclusion: Research results show accuracy and clinical safety of surgical guide, itF can be used in molars. Further research is needed.

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