Lê Thị Mai Sao1,, Phạm Thị Hồng Thi2
1 Hanoi Medical University
2 Vietnam National Heart Institute, Bach Mai Hospital

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Aims: Assess the association between left ventricular’s presystolic wave and some of left ventricular diastolic function’s values on echocardiography in types 2 diabetes mellitus patients. Patients and methods:  we performed a descriptive cross – sectional study included 90 patients: 60 type 2 diabetes mellitus patients and 30 healthy subjects in endocrinology department – Bach Mai hospital and Vietnam National Heart institue. The researched values included: velocity and times of the presystolic wave mesured in LVOT, size and diastolic function of the left ventricular, Tei index. Results:The ratio of presystolic wave in LVOT is 90% in type 2 Diabetes Mellitus group and is 93,3%in healthy subjects’ group. 35% of (21 patients) in type 2 Diabetes Mellitus group have left ventricular diastolic dysfunction, 81%(17 patients) of those are left ventricular diastolic dysfunction grade 1, 19% (4 patients) of those are at grade 2. There are 6,7% (2 patients) in healthy subjects’ group have left ventricular diastolic dysfunction (grade 1). Diastolic diameter and diastolic volume of the left ventricular in the group absent of presystolic wave is higher than the group with presystolic waves (p < 0,05). Velocity of presystolic wave in LVOT has a positive colleration with A wave’s velocity mesured in mitral valves level (rho = 0,41, p <0,01), a negative colleration with E/A ratio (rho=0, -0,244, p=0,027) and a positive colleration with Tei index of the left ventricular (rho = 0,345, p< 0,05).

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