Hoàng Nguyễn Phương Linh1,, Nguyễn Hồng Trường1, Nguyễn Song Tú1, Lê Danh Tuyên1
1 National University of Nutrition

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Anemia is currently a significant public health issue in low-income, developing, and developed countries. A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted in 414 women aged 15-35 years old in low socioeconomic in Thuan Chau district, Son La Province, to evaluate anemia, iron stores and iron deficiency anemia. The results showed that the prevalence of anemia was 25.6%, at the moderate of public health significance problem. The highest prevalence of anemia was in the group of 15-24 years old (30.3%). The prevalence of depleted iron store was 15.7%; low iron stores was 16.2%; iron deficiency anemia and anemia without iron deficiency were 6.0% and 19.6%; 9.7% depleted iron store but not anemia. It is necessary to continue to monitor the anemia status in women of reproductive age and to have more studies on causes of anemia to provide interventions to improve anemia accurately and effectively in women aged 15-35 years old in Northern mountainous districts.

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