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Objectives: to evaluate the treatment results, the factors affecting the outcome and the rate of complications of the Holmium YAG URL. Subjects and methods: Prospective study on 81 cases of lower third ureteral lithiasis treated with ureteroscopy with Holmium laser lithotripsy in Department of Urology, Viet Duc university Hospital between 6/2020-6/2021. Results: 49 males (60,5%) and 32 females (39,5%) with the everage age of 47,9 ± 14,4 (range from 22 to 78 years old). Right ureteral stones: 43,2%; Left ureteral stones: 56,8%. Estimate thehydronephrosison preoperative includes: 4 normal (4,9%); 59 grade I (72,8%); 11 grade II (13,6%) and 7 grade III (8,6%). Mean size stone: 9,72 ± 3,76 mm (from 3 to 25 millimeters). Average operative time: 31,7 ± 12,5 minutes (from 10 to 65 minutes). Success rate at dischage: 98,8%, in which 88,9% had good result. One failed case (1,2%) due to the migration of the stone to the kidney. At 1 month follow up, the degree of calyceal dilation was resolved, stone clearance rate was 100%. The mean of hospital stay: 4,06 ± 1,93 ngày (3 - 14 ngày). Stone size, ureteral state and hydronephrosis are factors that affect the result while gender, age and number of stone do not. Conclutions: Ureteroscopy with Holmium laser lithotripsy is safe, effective treatments for removal of distal ureteral calculi.
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lower third ureteral lithiasis, ureteroscopy, holmium laser, lithotripsy
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