Hoàng Việt Hải1,
1 Hanoi Medical University

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Objective: To evaluate the cephalometric dento-skeletal characteristics of the Class II with retracted mandibular patients. Materials and methods: The material examined included 46 lateral head radiographs of the Class II with retracted mandibular patients. Age range of the representing children was 10–13 years. Results: There were prognathic maxilla as indicated by slightly higher SNA angle (83.60), retrognathic mandible as indicated by reduced SNB angle (75.90), skeletal class II base relationship as shown by higher ANB angle (6.50), decreased interincisal angle as shown by low UI/LI angle (114.40). No statistically significant difference between genders was found. Conclusions: The mandible was retracted in relation to the cranial base. The maxillo-mandibular relation were  Class II and patients have proclined upper and lower incisors.

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