Nguyễn Thị Hương Xuân1,, Trần Nhật Thăng1
1 University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City

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Background: Low serum concentrations of pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A) and increased levels of free β-human chorionic gonadotropin (fβ-hCG) at 11–13 weeks 6 days of pregnancy are associated with an increased risk of fetal Down syndrome (trisomy 21). Several studies indicated that the serum concentrations of PAPP-A and fβ-hCG present during pregnancy were different between ethnicities and the difference could not be compensated by weight correction. All ethnic groups should have their own reference ranges of these 2 serum biomarkers. Objective: to determine median level for serum levels of PAPP-A and fβ-hCG in the UMC population. Methods: The study reported a series of retrospective and prospective cases of 2873 pregnant women who visited the prenatal diagnosis unit of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City was screened for the first trimester of pregnancy by combined test. Results: UMC reference ranges of PAPP-A and fβ-hCG were established by gestational age (77–97 days). The equation of best fit for PAPP-A was: predicted median PAPP-A level=214,3–5,384 x (gestational age in days) + 0,03415 x (gestational age in days)2; r=0,9677. The equation of best fit for fβ-hCG was: predicted median fβ-hCG level=10^ (-0,06799 x (gestational age in days) + 7,581); r= 0,991. Weight-corrected models were also derived for each biomarker. PAPP-A MoM corrected= 0,3628*EXP(0,01705*weight Kg); fβ-hCG MoM corrected = 1,665*EXP(-0,005857*weight Kg). The median MoM PAPP-A when using the UMC-specific model was 0,896, and the median MoM PAPP-A when using the FMF model was 1,064 (95% CI, p < 0.05). The median MoM fβ-hCG when using the UMC-specific model was 1,221, and the median MoM fβ-hCG when using the FMF model was 1,433 (95% CI, p<0,05). The UMC-specific reference ranges gave higher positive screening rates than the FMF model, even after weight correction (8,8 % versus 7,62%). Conclusions: All ethnicities should apply their own population median PAPP-A and fβ-hCG values ​​for screening for first trimester aneuploidy using the combined test.

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