Nguyễn Văn Bạch1,, Trịnh Nam Trung1, Nguyễn Văn Minh1
1 Vietnam Military Medical University

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Objective: Using Modde 8.0 and INForm 3.1 software, to optimize the fast-dissolving film formulation of salbutamol sulfate 4mg. Methods: Preparation of films by method of casting and solvent evaporation, quantification of salbutamol sulfate in dissolution medium by UV spectroscopy, experimental design and optimization of formulations for fast dissolving film of salbutamol sulfate 4mg using Moddle 8.0 and INForm 3.1 software. Results: The percentage (%) of salbutamol sulfate released from the optimal formula and the prediction data of INForm 3.1 software are similar (at 30 minutes, 99.3% and 99.8% salbutamol sulfate were released from the optimal formula and data of INForm 3.1 software.). Conclusion: The optimal formula has been developed including: Salbutamol sulfate 666.67mg; PVA 2.01%; Glucose 1%; PG 0.0201%; Sodium lauryl sulfate 0.85%; Distilled water 20ml; Ethanol 70% added to 100 ml; 15 ml were cast into a 5cm diameter petri dish; films with a diameter of 10 mm.

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