Nguyễn Linh Chi1,2,, Ngô Thị Tường Châu2, Nguyễn Đình Tảo1, Nguyễn Ngọc Diệp3
1 16A Ha Dong General Hospital
2 Vietnam National University, Hanoi
3 Vietnam Military Medical University

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Due to many reasons, along with the development of society, male and female infertility is increasing day by day. This reality promote scientists to research and find out the optimal types of cluture medium, improve the quality of culture as well as improve the success rate for couples expecting children. In this study, we evaluated the development of 1713 embryos (taken from 165 patient pairs) from the zygote to blastocyst stage between October 2019 and February 2021, cultured in concentrations of atmospheric oxygen level 20%. Mature follicles were cultured in single step medium (Global total®) from day 1 to day 5, or cultured in multistep medium G1-PLUSTM (Vitrolife) until day 3, and changed to G2-PLUSTM medium (Vitrolife) from day 3 to day 5/day 6. The results showed that the single step medium was initially evaluated as an effective continuous culture product: Increase the quantity as well as percentage of embryos with good- and average-morphology on day 5, increased embryo development rate from day 3 to day 5, although there was no difference between fertilization rate and day 3 embryo quality when compared with the sequential medium.

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