Bùi Phương Thảo1,, Đỗ Xuân Tĩnh2
1 Mai Huong Daycare Psychiatric Hospital
2 Military Hospital 103

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Objectives: Clinical characteristics and plasma dopamine levels in schizophrenic patients. Subjects and Metholds: Descriptive reaserch, cross-sectional; clinical characteristics and plasma dopamine levels in 72 patients with schizophrenic inpatient were treated at the Department of Psychiatry -  Military Hospital 103 from August 2020 to January 2021. Results: Common age group is from 21-30 years old, accounting for 37.5%; male 58.33%; female 41.67%. Schizophrenia is a paranoid, accounting for 87,50%. There are 1 or more types of auditory hallucination in schizophrenic patients, accounting for 83,33%, commentary auditory (66,67%), auditory hallucination as a conversion symptom (61.67%). There are 1 or more types of paranoia in schizophrenic patients accounting for 94,44%, paranoia of being harmed (76,47%), paranoia of being spying on (51,47%). Common symptoms: lazy in work and study (86,11%), emotional explosion (72,22%), forgetfulness (81.94%), slow-paced thinking, intermittently thinking (77,78%). The mean plasma dopamine concentration of the patient 1st time was 73,09±40,83 pg/ml, the mean plasma dopamine concentration of the patient 2nd time was 27,91±19,13pg/ml and the mean plasma dopamine concentration of the control group was 26,55±12,32pg/ml. The difference in plasma dopamine concentration between the 1st and 2nd test; between the first test and the control group was statistically significant; The difference between the second test and the control group was not statistically significant. Conclusion: Schizophrenia is most common in people aged 21-30 years, no difference in gender. The main manifestations are auditory hallucinations, paranoia, emotional disturbances, attention-memory disorders, and thought-form disorders. The mean plasma dopamine concentration of patients with schizophrenia was higher than that of the control group and decreased to normal after 3 weeks of treatment.

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