Lê Trọng Tiến1,, Tạ Thị Hồng Thúy2, Phạm Thị Việt Dung2
1 Nghe An Friendship General Hospital
2 Hanoi Medical University

Main Article Content


The paper aims to describe the clinical characteristics and evaluate the results of plastic surgery to cover lower eyelid defects. The study was conducted on 32 patients who have lower eyelid defects covered by plastic surgery at the Department of Plastic Surgery - Saint Paul General Hospital. The results showed that the characteristics of lower eyelid defects caused by trauma were the main rate of 56.3%; By tumors and scars that pull on the lower eyelids account for 43.7%. In the study, the group without blepharoplasty accounted for the majority (81.2%); group with more than two defects about 50%; In terms of depth of damage, it was divided into 2 groups: superficial lesions (56.2%) and full thickness lesions (43.8%). The method of shaping to cover the defect: flap in place (56.2%); adjacent flap (28%), skin graft (9.4%). Close results after surgery, 90.6% good function and 68.8% good aesthetic. After 3 months, the lower eyelid function was achieved 93.8% good and the lower eyelid aesthetic was achieved 53.1% good. Thus, lower eyelid defects are very diverse in terms of damage, there are many methods of covering from simple to complex. The goal of solving the function is put on the top and there are positive results. The goal of meeting aesthetic needs is still a challenge for plastic surgeons.

Article Details


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