Phạm Thị Thanh Hiền1,, Nguyễn Vũ Hoàng2, Nguyễn Thanh Tùng2
1 Thai Nguyen University of Medicine and Pharmacy
2 Thai Nguyen Central General Hospital

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Objective: Results ofsurgical treament of first- stage flexor tendon in zone II at Thai Nguyên national hospital and analysis of several factors affecting outcome of treatment. Method:Cross- sectional descriptive study. A descriptive studyonsixty- five patients whose ninety- one fingers hand zone II flexor tendon injury. These patiesnts were operated on once immediately after the injury at Thai Nguyên National Hospital and evaluation of post- operative outcomes according to Strickland  from 01/2018 to 03/2021. Results: The results showed in 65 patients (45 males, 20 females), average age 37.9 ± 16.5.Post- treatment hospital stay 8.9± 3.6 days. First phase surgical wound healing rate 92.3%, surgical wound infection rate 7.7%, no patient reported with post- treatment tendon re-rupture. General outcome rating follow the Strickland surgery: Excellent: 60%, good: 27.7%, fair: 12.3%, foor: 0%. Conclusion: The first phase flexor tendon repair procedure in zone II at Thai Nguyen National Hospital demonstrated a high recovery rate.

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